Saturday, October 18, 2008

Welcome to my blog

Welcome to my blog. My name is Sakthi and I'm working as a SQL Server Database Administrator since 2005 in Bangalore (Silicon Valley of India). I started this blog to share some of the interesting solutions I give to my customers to you all so that it will help to you learn and save your time.

What will be my Blog's Contents?
My Routine activities, Issues Faced and Solutions which I gave or which worked out...
For Example, Today one of my user called up saying that he is getting "'Invalid cursor state'" for some queries when ran from his desktop Query Analyser... Immediately I asked him what is your Query Analyser Version (Can be found from Help --> About), he said 8.00.134 then I told him that Server is running in SP4 Path so you upgrade your client... Resolved... This kind of issues and solutions will definitely help upcoming DBA's... So mostly these and also some architectural level posts will be the area where I'm focussing!

I'm trying to avoid any copyrighted material here and incase you have found any, Please report to me!


Opinions on this blog are mine alone and do not represent my employer or any other party.

Scripts are provided in many blog posts, but users are responsible for testing all scripts and advice fully and understanding the information before choosing to apply that information to any production, test or development environment (or anything else), or before sprinkling it on their breakfast cereal. Use at your own risk, do lots of research, and always be careful.

Check some other websites I like... - Entertainment Website for Indians - Google in a new way - Search FTP Sites

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