Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Execution of a full-text operation failed. A clause of the query contained only ignored words

We faced this issue of jobs started failing after upgrading from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003. To be precise a particluar statement is failing and when ran the statement in SSMS, the following error occurs

Server: Msg 7619, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Execution of a full-text operation failed. A clause of the query contained only ignored words.

Root Cause:
This issue is happenning due to a deliberate change in the behaviour in "&" and other language breakers. This was done to take of other serious Issues which were caused in SQL 2000. The file which has this change incorporated is langwrbk.dll.

Though there is no solution for this issue, the workaround to this problem would be
1) Go back to Windows Server 2000
2) Change the way the words are stored (For Example AT&T can be stored as ATT)
3) Remove entries from Noise words which are causing this error (Can be found in the Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$Instance\FTDATA\SQLServer$Instance\Config)
4) Use FREETEXT instead of CONTAINS, but this might also return non-relevant information, which might not be acceptable.

In Conclusion:
Unfortunately there is nothing that Microsoft can do to change this, since this was a deliberate change made in the way Language Breakers behave in Windows 2003. So the new dll used in Windows 2003 is langwrbk.dll. This change was made, because the previous behaviour With the language breakers had many different issues.

Some useful links for your reference.

295772 How to debug full-text search when a 7608 (0x80004005) error message occurs in SQL Server

889708 The full-text search results that are returned in a clustered SQL Server 2000 environment may be different when the active node changes

905617 SQL Server 2005 full-text search includes improved and updated noise word files


Sakthi said...

Incase you are not able to solve this issue, Post your comments here so that I can help my level best!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I have a server: Windows 2000 (sp 4) with SQL 2000 (sp 3).

I am having the issue with searching the ampersand "&".
As explained in your article.

However, this is on Windows 2000. Do you know if this (langwrbk.dll) was upgraded in the windows service pack?

Also, we would like to remove the noise word (as stated in your suggestion #3). This would be, by far, the easiest solution for us.

3) Remove entries from Noise words which are causing this error.

However, since '&' is a reserved word, it is not in the noise file. Is there are way to get around it? (i.e. put it in brackets [] or something in the query).

Thanks for your help....(any suggestions are greatly appreciated )

Anonymous said...

Try using & inside double quotes that may work out..

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